with that they are tryong to find out your profile and the suitability for the position.

As per interviews try to look into the company operations in general more than the detail in Qatar; since they could be "similar" in terms of what to do. The difference could be in the "how to do it". At this point safety, procedures, policies and a bunch of rules/guidelines comes into play.

As I told you try to maximize the knowledge into the operations and not that much into detail.

Also be prepared for questions like: are you willing to move to wherever the company needs you? are you willing to relocate immediately?

And the one I consider the most important of all is : what do you have; in terms of knowledge and expertise that will be useful to the company?? is there any added value to hire you?

Just prepare for that and also act normal and natural since all those aspects are viewed when doing a phone interview. Even the way you respond the questionaire could lead to a contract or could lead to continue looking for a job.

Best of luck....regards!!