This topic proves my point in another forum on marriage, that puritanical thinking (which is what we are talking about)in terms of morals in general and marriage in particular is nothing better than diabolical cruelty. The idea that someone should spend their life with someone they neither love, cherish, feel affectionate towards nor show any inclination for love-making is totally corrupt, sickening and unnecessary. Such a proposition, in my opinion, can only come from religion. It is not 'good' to demand such a sacrifice from human beings. The fact is that wherever the Church is strong and influential they are demanding traditional laws and customs be enforced, even if such enforcement causes immense suffering and unnecessary misery. We do not have to live such a degraded life.
This topic proves my point in another forum on marriage, that puritanical thinking (which is what we are talking about)in terms of morals in general and marriage in particular is nothing better than diabolical cruelty. The idea that someone should spend their life with someone they neither love, cherish, feel affectionate towards nor show any inclination for love-making is totally corrupt, sickening and unnecessary. Such a proposition, in my opinion, can only come from religion. It is not 'good' to demand such a sacrifice from human beings. The fact is that wherever the Church is strong and influential they are demanding traditional laws and customs be enforced, even if such enforcement causes immense suffering and unnecessary misery. We do not have to live such a degraded life.