I wasn't gonna, and I don't think like that, just live and let live, "A Cesar lo que es de Cesar" (render to Caesar what is Caesar's and render to God what is God's) and no more.
Locals are here, this is their land, we are only guests, and we need to be respected guests as well as respectful.
Don't go to foreign policy, it drove me crazy once and i do not recommend this for anyone.
Stay Happy ;)
Dear Happy,
I wasn't gonna, and I don't think like that, just live and let live, "A Cesar lo que es de Cesar" (render to Caesar what is Caesar's and render to God what is God's) and no more.
Locals are here, this is their land, we are only guests, and we need to be respected guests as well as respectful.
Don't go to foreign policy, it drove me crazy once and i do not recommend this for anyone.
Stay Happy ;)