I think its pathetic that a ludicrous statement by a fringe extremist minuscule portion of the British Muslim population is taken as a presentation of the mentality of the entire British Muslim community, I can quote statements from the KKK here and say that it is a presentation of the American Christian community (and The KKK by the way has much more supporters than the guy whose leaflet is quoted by the original poster), these kind of tactics are used by xenophobes to further polarize the segments of society away from each other and further their own agenda,

I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a day after a drunk driver hit and killed a woman in the U.S., The guy happened to be an illegal Mexican Immigrant, So O'Reilly was making a statement that the U.S. should get rid of all its illegal Immigrants because look at what they are doing to our society, drinking and driving killing our women and children, I don't think he bothered to check how many Americans Hit someone while drunk driving that night.