For those of you who are unaware, the guy behind this 'group' calling for the march used to be a key member of another group called Al-Muhajiroon which conveniently volutarily disbanded just before a law was to be passed to ban such 'groups'. They pull these stunts from time to time for publicity and feed the media frenzy. They are ignored by majority of the UK muslims who cringe when these ppl appear on newpapers/channels.

There are things which puzzle many muslims about both Al Muhajiroon & Islam4UK.
* Their leaders are never arrested even though they openly make the most outrageous anti British statements.
* Whenever there is an 'incident', the British media runs to them for comments which make headlines and reinforce the stereotypical view of muslims. A bit like Al Jazeera getting a quote from the BNP and presenting it as the views of the majority of Brits.
* Their leader (omar bakri) has never been arrested whereas others like him have been behind bars or under house arrest under various terror laws.
* In fact bakri slipped out of the Uk even though he was supposed to be under 'surveilence' with out the police or MI5 knowing, and now lives in Lebonan. He continues to preach over the internet without interference.
* A handful of weirdos attend these marches yet they get full media coverage whereas Muslim peace marches just about make the local news.
* These guys normally come out with a publicity stunt just before a parliamentary vote on some terror related law which usually passes.

In summary this group has some question marks about it seeing that everytime they raise their heads they damage Islam and increase hostility against the UK muslims.