Quran is the ultimate book, thatz are OUR core belief. whatever happened to prior messengers referred in the holy book, are for information and a lesson for generation to follow next. Whatever happened and practise followed in those days were legal at that particular period.

Hope you know that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the last among all messengers; when the new sets of instructions revealed from Allah called Quran, all old instructions get bad and shall not be followed there after such as alcohol / pork was allowed among followers of scriptures before Islam emerged.

Muslims doesn't followed whatever Bible or Jesus said but we follow whatever Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) informed and asked.

On the first point, I agree that the suspicion is the events could be a fallout of internal rivalry and personal failure of the scientist to pursue success.
Which I am also not very sure but it is all depend on the media communication what get relayed to us.

Hope i cleared your point.

It is NOT respectful to use Mr. in front of prophets like incase of Emir....please note and amend your post.