You guys don't even know what you are talking about. Allow me to clarify this matter. There is such a Fahad Travel Agency and there is Fahad Manpower Services. I guess you are referring to Fahad Manpower Services which deals tourist visas. You mention also Aldeera Travels, as far as I know, they had been helping out our fellow kababayans as to how to get cheaper fares.

If you are on a tourist visa, I guess it would not mean you will come to this place and work. But we, Pinoys welcome new opportunities. Thus, if one likely offered for a job,One would choose to stay and work.

I guess there is such a misunderstanding on the perception on this tourist-visa-thing. As far as I know, these Agents are dependent with the Immigration Rules. Now that, Thousands of people were put in Doha’s jail, I think, it is really prerogative of this Agencies to keep watchful and stricter with their processing.