Labda do not confuse my jest for lack of respect to a dead man. I have no issues with this sexual preferences. I was merely elaborating on brits point of how newspapers dig up dirt on famous people once they are dead and gone and how 1 famous person dying makes everyone so sad. Personally i dont care about these people. Famous or not i never knew them personally to cry over it. Its funny how people dont even cry for their relatives as much as they cry for dead celebs.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Labda do not confuse my jest for lack of respect to a dead man. I have no issues with this sexual preferences. I was merely elaborating on brits point of how newspapers dig up dirt on famous people once they are dead and gone and how 1 famous person dying makes everyone so sad. Personally i dont care about these people. Famous or not i never knew them personally to cry over it. Its funny how people dont even cry for their relatives as much as they cry for dead celebs.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)