Next time we'll just tell drsam we are meeting at coffee beanery and we'll go to Starbucks :P just kidding.
Silenced do you remember my face? You are true to your user id...u sat there most of the time in silence :D
Jackmohan u have no idea how tiring all that was, but if there's a next time i'm not going to waste so much of paper like that, it was foolish of me. Will just make like a power point presentation. Wonder why that didnt come to me in the first place :(
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Next time we'll just tell drsam we are meeting at coffee beanery and we'll go to Starbucks :P just kidding.
Silenced do you remember my face? You are true to your user id...u sat there most of the time in silence :D
Jackmohan u have no idea how tiring all that was, but if there's a next time i'm not going to waste so much of paper like that, it was foolish of me. Will just make like a power point presentation. Wonder why that didnt come to me in the first place :(
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)