Its not a surprise that the bill is 21 thousand. i took my cat for a check up at the clinic and i had to pay 200 qr...if the check up only is 200 qr then how much do you expect for the TREATMENT of the BURNS of ALL the cats and dogs that survived...?

and im sorry to say this but some of you people dont understand that QAWS is the ONLY shelter for animals in qatar and dont have grand organizations that help and support them like the other organizations to help humans in need.
so stop saying that 'you shouldnt help animals and help humans instead' cuz they already got organizations helping them and help the ANIMALS!

I went to the 3rd of oct babies & kids tabletop sale to benefit QAWS. and i saw alot of people selling there belongings and not keeping the money but GIVING it to help re-build QAWS. i was amazed by the stuff...there were items and magazines and books that are not available in qatar and i bought everything i could. i even donated 1,000 qr to QAWS plus the 300 qr i spent at the benefit.

just to keep in mind....ALOT of people are supporting qaws and you should too.