uh oh not really though,...5years bak i was supposed to get married to my 6yr long time boyfriend who was a business tycoon bak home,we get along very well during 5yrs and i decided to live in together with him for about a year before geting married with him and boom thats when i found out how obssesed can he be...i walked out on him and i got the same thought love/happiness or money???if ill stay with him my life will be perfect on the luxury side,if i dont i will still be fine but i have to work my aS$ and do everything on my own...and i did well after i left him i worked and very much happy with my life now,im earning my own money and fulffuling my dreams in my own hands...now i think i am more dignified with my life... just a thought!

..bRe@k d' rUlE$,fInD uR fReEd0m,LiVe Ur LiFe..