Be sure to keep him on the wait list at ASD. From my experience (6 years here now) you have a 99% chance of getting him in by January. Doha college--probably a lesser chance cause he is not a British passport holder. Another alternative is look at International School of London. I have heard of good things about it. There is a good homeschool network here. Check QL threads about it. It is not illegal here and most companies pay for all books/supplies etc. Also check Cedars Tutoring as it focuses on children who are waiting for placement in schools.
Be sure to keep him on the wait list at ASD. From my experience (6 years here now) you have a 99% chance of getting him in by January. Doha college--probably a lesser chance cause he is not a British passport holder. Another alternative is look at International School of London. I have heard of good things about it. There is a good homeschool network here. Check QL threads about it. It is not illegal here and most companies pay for all books/supplies etc. Also check Cedars Tutoring as it focuses on children who are waiting for placement in schools.