We are not all the same, don't really have the same mentality. In fact we don't even merry from each other

I agree with abuAmerican about some having the me better than you mentality...

This comes from being insecure...

When all they read about in newspapers, Qatar is achieving great financial returns from investments & having the highest GDP among other Arab Countries.Yet , some live on less than 10k

When writers like Nora Alsaad & others write in dailies , We should have more rights in Qatar Airways!, Foreigners must respect our culture!, Exit permit exist to protect Qataris interests!blaming road work & traffic for bad driving attitude!..I guess they would behave accordingly.

But do they really have the right.No they don't.

Powers to be are changing this country to the better.

However, no one is paying attention to the social impact it has on the locals. All of a sudden (in a decade to be exact). The population tripled, there is traffic everywhere, the women are demanding to drive & work and inflation that barely covers their bills & debts.

Did they ask for all that, no they did not