Did you listen to your voice janeyjaney before YOU (YOU FORGOT!)comment ...

I’m so sorry I did not realize that the Philippines (WAS)were actually colonized by the Americans just so you know(DON'T WORRY WE KNOW IT'S A PART OF YOR HISTORY). I thought it was the Spanish that started the mix breeding,,(NO NEED FOR 2 COMMAS) with only the Americans mixing the blood (WHAT BLOOD? )over the past 100 yrs… (YEARS) well you learn something every day. (SHOULD BE COMMA NOT PERIOD ) And yes I would only be probably pertaining to the Filipinos you've only interacted with. I don’t associate with (FILIPINOS!) Pilipino on my off hours only the ones at the checkouts and in most shops and restaurants. Like I said,, (SINGLE COMMA ONLY)to listen to a (FILIPINO!)Pilipino women is like having your finger nails run down (RUN DOWN?!? DOESTHIS MAKE SENSE?)a black board.. kills me.. (SO YOU'RE DEAD?)
Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold (HOLD WHAT?).