Fawmy85- I have my sis diogonised witha stage1 breast cancer a month back. They removed the growth and she is undergoing cemo.My Mom in law was diogonised in 1982 and she is still healthy. so dont worry much and do the treatments, you will be fine.

I have been reading about the treatments and happend to come across something new and they claim becoming a wonder. Its calld Dentric Cell Therapy. India has just one centre which does this at Noida.

Denvax is the name, this targets the micrometastasis and destroys the disseminated cancer cells. thereby preventing its dvelopement slowing the spread and improving life expectancy.Spoke to one who is undergoing the same and he said, he stopped his cemo after one course and is doing Denvax. No side effects, and he is happy.

check the details and see whether it will be useful.

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tel; 91 120 2500 111 / 95


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