... there is no wonder, these TV channels compete each other to keep the "statusquo" for ever... There is no a bold attempt to create a niche.

rememebr , there is a Hindi film -
name was - PARAYA DHAN.
the Bollywood is also enjoying to keep the statusquo and the force the age-old traditions to the viewers.

You can see films with husband going after other girls and months later coming back to house -- and the wife as a Goddess women forgives and accepts him,,, as a bhartheeya naari.

Is there any film,, the wife goes after men and comes later the husband forgives and accepts her ???

Najmijpr --- you have raised a valid point. But if you take a survey on Indian QL members, who have not taken dowry or the women who have not given dowry..... you may be surprise.... THERE MAY BE NIL.