I'm very much around, but dont see anything worth replying. The problem is simple actually and has been discussed a number of times before.
1. Long time members of QL, who have met one another off the website tend to think they OWN the site now and come with an attitude that they are superior to the new members.
2. How difficult is it for everyone to just post on topics they feel they should contribute their two cents to? If you see a topic on religion that u dont agree on dont post there, if everyone did this even the posters will get tired of posting their crap due to lack of responses.
3. You people just want to collect points i feel and end up posting on topics that make no sense, feed the trolls, and the most stupid of stupid threads go to over 3 pages of utter nonsense!
I'm sick of all the "REMOVED BY MOD" signs i keep seeing...a simple solution of this would be to make a new category on QL called the "Sandpit" where the mods just need to move repeated jokes, useless topics that are posted for fun etc and at the end of the month just delete ALL that's posted under the "sandpit" section.
Remove this stupid Q&A section thats just messing up the site with people posting utter shit questions and members reply to them with more shit!
Newbies need a probation period, if mods find them misbehaving or posting useless topics they should be banned completely.
There should also be limited access to certain sections of this website where only members for over certain period of time with certain no. of points are allowed to enter. This helps in separating the trolls from the genuine members that want to help or have a meaningful discussion.
These are just some things i can think of for now..too much use of brain for one thread :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I'm very much around, but dont see anything worth replying. The problem is simple actually and has been discussed a number of times before.
1. Long time members of QL, who have met one another off the website tend to think they OWN the site now and come with an attitude that they are superior to the new members.
2. How difficult is it for everyone to just post on topics they feel they should contribute their two cents to? If you see a topic on religion that u dont agree on dont post there, if everyone did this even the posters will get tired of posting their crap due to lack of responses.
3. You people just want to collect points i feel and end up posting on topics that make no sense, feed the trolls, and the most stupid of stupid threads go to over 3 pages of utter nonsense!
I'm sick of all the "REMOVED BY MOD" signs i keep seeing...a simple solution of this would be to make a new category on QL called the "Sandpit" where the mods just need to move repeated jokes, useless topics that are posted for fun etc and at the end of the month just delete ALL that's posted under the "sandpit" section.
Remove this stupid Q&A section thats just messing up the site with people posting utter shit questions and members reply to them with more shit!
Newbies need a probation period, if mods find them misbehaving or posting useless topics they should be banned completely.
There should also be limited access to certain sections of this website where only members for over certain period of time with certain no. of points are allowed to enter. This helps in separating the trolls from the genuine members that want to help or have a meaningful discussion.
These are just some things i can think of for now..too much use of brain for one thread :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)