Drac- They made me want to come out here, for goodness sakes.. soo spot on. Just wish people would pack in with the trivial bull and just.. stop making QL stressful. Fecssake

Gypsy going, and DaRude on Reader mode.. what's the point? You just get wound up by kids and start decending to their level.. I liked this site first by the fact that it made me step up a gear. Alexa, Da, Britexpat, Dweller, Gypsy, YOU threateneing to eat my new flesh...

Bottom line is that we all come here to get the news and to hear from likeminded people and to relax.

Chances are that I wouldn't have come to Qatar at all if it hadn't been for the welcome and support I got on this site- and if that amkes me a sad weirdo, so be it.