In this world opposition for our own thinking will be allways available.We are not the regulator to modify all,Everybody has their own point of view.This is the place to know variety of charactors.critisisam,cleverness,fighting,good,bad,religious argument and etc,But we still meet some good hearts also.If we close our eyes and say the world is dark means, is it the world will be dark,NO.Reality is there.So Gypsy as usual you provide your comments,forums and informatives.We argue,fight,laugh,happy,hate and judge ourself. See How many available in this QL?.OK Gypsy dont go!.we again want you in QL.
In this world opposition for our own thinking will be allways available.We are not the regulator to modify all,Everybody has their own point of view.This is the place to know variety of charactors.critisisam,cleverness,fighting,good,bad,religious argument and etc,But we still meet some good hearts also.If we close our eyes and say the world is dark means, is it the world will be dark,NO.Reality is there.So Gypsy as usual you provide your comments,forums and informatives.We argue,fight,laugh,happy,hate and judge ourself. See How many available in this QL?.OK Gypsy dont go!.we again want you in QL.