Yes, I admit it is a bit extreme. However, in Islam, premarital sex is not allowed. In addition, the correct interpretation in the Quran is that a man is allowed a second or third wife if the first wife dies, is ill, or cannot bear him children. In addition, the man has to have the permission of the first wife, and he must establish a covenant with himself and with God that he will treat them equally with respect and love them equally. These days though, here are a lot of Muslims who misunderstand the verse, to mean that "hey, I can have four wives". This however, is very uncommon and most men choose their one beloved spouse for the rest of their lives For every 500 Muslims men who get married, about one or two decide to marry a second time. So its not that common. I am never going to do it, bc I know that I will only love one girl, and spend the rest of my life with her alone.