The reason regular flu kills more than the swine flu is we have not as yet seen what the swine flu can do after one season of it then we will know the truth. Parents have to keep their children out of school if they are ill. What I have found in the MiddleEast is they don't take illnesses seriously they even take their children out with chickenpox its the lack of education about spreading illnesses. With so many nationalities that are educated differently it will be hard to change. I think the swine flu will spread far more in the industrial area where tons of labourers sleep together and they are not quarantined. Even in the States they have closed schools if their were many cases. Best defense is keep your hands clean and don't touch your face. Good luck everyone.
The reason regular flu kills more than the swine flu is we have not as yet seen what the swine flu can do after one season of it then we will know the truth. Parents have to keep their children out of school if they are ill. What I have found in the MiddleEast is they don't take illnesses seriously they even take their children out with chickenpox its the lack of education about spreading illnesses. With so many nationalities that are educated differently it will be hard to change. I think the swine flu will spread far more in the industrial area where tons of labourers sleep together and they are not quarantined. Even in the States they have closed schools if their were many cases. Best defense is keep your hands clean and don't touch your face. Good luck everyone.