Jackfrost isn't deranged. Jackfrost isn't depressed. Jackfrost is plain evil.

Jackfrost doesn't know how to argue logically (Wonder how you earned those degrees), so he resorts to irrationality that always implies the same thing:
"You're poor, so you're wrong. You don't have 1001 degrees, so you're wrong. You're not pro-USA, so you're dumb and eww and barf-worthy."

My conclusion is, Jackfrost couldn't be dumber, despite his degrees. And no one gets degrees for attending classes alone. Exams have to written eventually, which earns you either that A-grade certificate or that lowly certificate. Apparently, he's too dumb to even think! How did he get his degrees? Clearly, he's bluffing.

My advice is, avoid him and DO NOT respond to him. He just wants people to respond to him. All he's after is annoying people. So, if he's ignored, he'll call it quits. Hereafter, even I'll ignore him. I wrote this to draw attention of fellow QLers to the purpose of his meaningless writings. He obviously celebrates every time someone gets exasperated. So for the love of God, DO NOT GIVE HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO BLOW HIS TRUMPETS.

"Recession is when your neighbour loses their job; depression is when you lose your job."