Yash ,
I'm not playing with peoples lives , I'm try get them some information and then they can make their own choice.
I'm not putting the gun to their head or so.

There is perfectly justifiable reason for Mercury to be in the vaccines. It was acknowledged that it should be used in the smallest quantity.
Of course there is ,it is used as an preservative. No other reason for it.
Non the less it is still toxic.
At high exposure levels, mercury causes neurotoxicity in humans, especially in fetuses and small infants whose brains are still developing. The major toxicity of mercury is manifested in the central nervous system!

So, about that saying it's ok in a small amount. How many vaccination are the kids suppose to get these days?
Now add all that up and plus the other factors that my cause our body's to be exposed to toxic.
How can we tell enough is enough, we have no idea , as we know mercury goes directly to the brain and it stays there so it will accumulate over time .
Mercury will not exit the body , it's not even diagnosed in the blood stream. It stays in your brain and it stays there and cause over time all sorts of problems!!!

And I can see that you know all that!

And to top it of mercury is not the only toxic in the vaccination, we have many more....

And there is no proof or statistic to support that vaccinations are effective . Only the pharmaceutical company's make that propaganda!

I have read that vaccination have actually caused the sickness to break out again.

for all I know it's a big money scam.

Now, let me ask you about those information sheets that come with the vaccinations, can you tell me what they say about possible side effects?!

I know you doing your job and that is good.
But I know of doctors that are against vaccinations .

also ,you guys talking about my cooked internet research, how are you supporting your claims !? I can throw that right back at you !

for all I know you made that stuff up ( jut) !!!
ah and JUT you are a science teacher , then you should know the safety data sheet for mercury!?