Lack of an initial adverse reaction proves vaccines are safe
Documented long-term health problems include arthritis, chronic headaches, rashes indicative of disease, non-healing skin lesions, seizures, autism, anemia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, cancer, and many others. Ingredients common to all vaccines are at issue. Squalene adjuvants are a biological time bomb that can harm or destroy the human immune system.
Other ingredients are known toxicants and carcinogens, including thimersol (a mercury derivative), aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, and numerous gastrointestnal toxicants like liver toxicants, cardiovascular and blood toxicants, and reproductive toxicants. "Chemical ranking systems rate many vaccine ingredients among the most hazardous substances" known, even in microscopic doses.
"Millions of children (and adults) are partaking in an enormous crude experiment, and no sincere, organized effort is being made to track the negative side effects or to determine the long-term consequences."
Dr. Bart Classen's epidemiological research found vaccines as the cause of 79% of insulin type I diabetes cases in children under 10. The sharp rise in numerous other diseases may also be linked with mass-immunizations. California's autism rate skyrocketed 1000% in the last 20 years. In the 1990s, MMR vaccine usage in Britain (for measles, mumps and rubella) occurred at the same time autism rose sharply. The January 2000 Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions reported that no adequate testing was done, so the vaccine never should have been licensed.
The Autism Society says: "Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain...."
According to the CDC and National Vaccine Information Center, one in every 150 US children develop the disease. Tens of millions are affected worldwide, making it more common than pediatric cancer, incurable type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes and AIDS combined. In the early 1940s, prior to mass immunizations, autism was so rare that few doctors ever encountered it. Today it's a global pandemic.
Long-term vaccination reactions have been suppressed and ignored in spite of the alarming correlation between their use and the rise of autoimmune and other diseases. Vaccines aren't for protection. They're for profit and other nefarious purposes. Avoiding them is essential to protecting human health and well-being.
Lack of an initial adverse reaction proves vaccines are safe
Documented long-term health problems include arthritis, chronic headaches, rashes indicative of disease, non-healing skin lesions, seizures, autism, anemia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, cancer, and many others. Ingredients common to all vaccines are at issue. Squalene adjuvants are a biological time bomb that can harm or destroy the human immune system.
Other ingredients are known toxicants and carcinogens, including thimersol (a mercury derivative), aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, and numerous gastrointestnal toxicants like liver toxicants, cardiovascular and blood toxicants, and reproductive toxicants. "Chemical ranking systems rate many vaccine ingredients among the most hazardous substances" known, even in microscopic doses.
"Millions of children (and adults) are partaking in an enormous crude experiment, and no sincere, organized effort is being made to track the negative side effects or to determine the long-term consequences."
Dr. Bart Classen's epidemiological research found vaccines as the cause of 79% of insulin type I diabetes cases in children under 10. The sharp rise in numerous other diseases may also be linked with mass-immunizations. California's autism rate skyrocketed 1000% in the last 20 years. In the 1990s, MMR vaccine usage in Britain (for measles, mumps and rubella) occurred at the same time autism rose sharply. The January 2000 Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions reported that no adequate testing was done, so the vaccine never should have been licensed.
The Autism Society says: "Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain...."
According to the CDC and National Vaccine Information Center, one in every 150 US children develop the disease. Tens of millions are affected worldwide, making it more common than pediatric cancer, incurable type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes and AIDS combined. In the early 1940s, prior to mass immunizations, autism was so rare that few doctors ever encountered it. Today it's a global pandemic.
Long-term vaccination reactions have been suppressed and ignored in spite of the alarming correlation between their use and the rise of autoimmune and other diseases. Vaccines aren't for protection. They're for profit and other nefarious purposes. Avoiding them is essential to protecting human health and well-being.