Personally found the Iron Giant movie more touching. But perhaps the best film of a similar tone is 'AI' the last movie from Stanley Kubrik, the end was ruined by the stepping in of Spielberg when Kubrik died just before completion and who felt it necessary to alter to a disney esque happy ending of sorts. But the core film, which Kubrik had created is a good interpretation of 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' by Philip K Dick, the story that identifies a powerful message - that if a machine is capable of giving unconditional love and emotion what is to say the human user will be able to provide such an emotion in return and how does a machine with an intelligence comprehend rejection. Perhaps the finest example of the paradox of machines with emotions is the great classic Bladerunner by Ridley Scott; also borrowing on the theme taken from Philip K Dicks work of fiction. It is an interesting topic and covered in other movies too; such as 'I, Robot' and ever further back to the early years and 'Metropolis'. But you have to be a real nerd to be interested in such things. To be really nerd you could even draw influence from the tale of pinnoccio - but that would be very dull indeed.
Personally found the Iron Giant movie more touching. But perhaps the best film of a similar tone is 'AI' the last movie from Stanley Kubrik, the end was ruined by the stepping in of Spielberg when Kubrik died just before completion and who felt it necessary to alter to a disney esque happy ending of sorts. But the core film, which Kubrik had created is a good interpretation of 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' by Philip K Dick, the story that identifies a powerful message - that if a machine is capable of giving unconditional love and emotion what is to say the human user will be able to provide such an emotion in return and how does a machine with an intelligence comprehend rejection. Perhaps the finest example of the paradox of machines with emotions is the great classic Bladerunner by Ridley Scott; also borrowing on the theme taken from Philip K Dicks work of fiction. It is an interesting topic and covered in other movies too; such as 'I, Robot' and ever further back to the early years and 'Metropolis'. But you have to be a real nerd to be interested in such things. To be really nerd you could even draw influence from the tale of pinnoccio - but that would be very dull indeed.
Qatars best known Pirate - Yaarr!