I totally agree with Gray Wolf's insistence on publicizing the educational degrees of TNG's staff. To me, at least, it matters the most. If they can put the fee structure without the approval of Ministry then they can put the names & qualifications too in front of their names. Its important for alert minded parents to know which hands their child is going to. I worked for BFPS almost 9/10 years back for a year in Administration & I never saw any parent asking such question but I always wondered why do they dont enquire about teachers' qualifications & why dont they try to meet them before enrolling their children. Its really a shame, most of those were happy only for the fact that they have sent their children to expensive Pakistani school from the rest of the schools & which is English medium too. Whereas I clearly knew how many staff members were real teachers & how many worked as teachers only to kill their time. So the standard of education definitely decreases when an idle person joins this noble profession & doesnt take that much interest in brightening the future of their students rather keep on crossing dates on calendars to know how near / far is salary date. As far as TNG is concerned, I am sure they must have taken quality teachers, a few of them I know personally as colleagues are the best ones but what about the rest :)

If we come to fee structure, I have a 4 year old nephew & I was very much interested in admitting him to this school but unfortunately with almost 3 times more than the rest of Pakistani schools fee, this became highly unaffordable for me. Because being an expat & certainly not working with any Q company, I have to think twice. Using electronic boards is a good think but this is for the easiness of teachers, what benefit a student is going to have from it. From expenses point of view TNG has to buy them only once & it will save their costs of chalks / dusters / white board markers.

Again when we come to computers, what a 4 year old child will learn from it.... would it be just coloring / drawing or playing games, in both the cases they would be ruining the eyes of such young children, if all the education is on PC as TNG claims. I would rather prefer my nephew to hold a set of 12 different colours & play with them by making shapes or drawing manually & filling them with colour. Computer is advanced technology but this way we are taking away this human touch from our children which we experienced in our times. I wish good luck to TNG but personally cannot think these facilities are justification for higher fee.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Glitter Words