this is a phrase told by many and heard 100s of times atleast,,
to believe it ,1 should experience that phase of time in that paste life.which not everyone has gone through atleast in this thread. fortunately lucky/careful ppl been escaping it. 
not everyone will understand you here,, because not everyone here experienced that stage where all the things fall apart at once leaving no sign of hope, your topic makes sense it's totally true.
I have had a situation years back, which I still remember very well,, but never attempt to think of it again.first, I just survived on watching atleast 4 movies a day 2 months in a row,, lost contact with the social enviornment,,literally did not speak a word or even could geniunely smile,,, :(

So lesson learned ,,, and forgeting the paste was the only way to move on.   
no more options,, start from zero . 
just forget wat happened.
"forget all the damage done yesterday, just remember the lesson learnt for tomoro"