He did the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, and some other museums. The only other building of his I've been to is the east building of the National gallery of art in DC. That one worked real well IMO because it wasn't shackled by any attempt at traditionalism, and let's face it, it houses art that is so much like the building itself it becomes one cohesive structure. The building itself is a modern artwork. The MIA fails primarily because the exhibits are largely around 500 years old and the building is...well you know the building all too well hehe. No cohesion there. I wouldn't expect an architect of his stature to care about the people that visit the building ;) His aestheticism is much more important than you breaking a sweat or suffering sun sickness :D Of course I'm being a little cynical :)

As for neglect, I guess a building gets the treatment it's "congregation" offers it. Like tenants, like house ;)

As for this particular interpretation of Islam you mentioned, it is present everywhere to some degree, nowhere does it dominate. It's largely reactionistm at it's core and in it's increasing regressiveness. I have no love for any reactionism, sorry. It solves no problems and answers no questions.