In a country where the citizens are a small minority, accidents are prone to happen mainly with expatriates. I guess they see no reason to burden themselves and their prison system, instead favouring fines. In the end you all know how this business with foreign people in jail works. Embassies, ministries of foreign affairs get involved, and the system here has bigger things to deal with rather than negotiating endless prisoner transfer agreements, after all this is a very young country.

I agree offenders should rot in jail for at least a while and I don't have any praise for the methods applied in the GCC but I guess they chose the easier way out, their law, their country, but the lack of severe punishment of traffic offenders will only foster greater irresponsibility. Let's just remember the minister this country recently lost. No one is safe from lunatics on the road.

Killing someone in a traffic accident is hardly homicide. Manslaughter perhaps at most. Regardless, even the pedestrians and the bicycle riders here are utter idiots. I've seen a lot of cyclists in my neighbourhood that ride around late at night with no lights, no reflective materials, there aren't any lamp posts around, and can you blame a driver that hits a person in such a situation, where the cyclist is invisible unless you switch on high beams, which is again a hazard to other drivers. I thought it would be a nice, charitable thing to do to peovide reflective red dots and squares to the poorer cyclists free of charge thereby guaranteeing them at least the elementary level of safety in their commutes.