Ehem - our bull's not crazy... He just thinks he's a dog!! He's absolutely fine and loving the extra attention as there's no other animals around..
The donkey was NOT impressed as the fire fighters flooded her paddock and she hates getting her feet wet! We had to try and explain to her that it was necessary to make sure her house didn't catch fire but she wasn't having any of it as she stood on her little island of dry dirt! We swapped her and the bull over so she was dry and he could play in the mud!!
Ehem - our bull's not crazy... He just thinks he's a dog!! He's absolutely fine and loving the extra attention as there's no other animals around..
The donkey was NOT impressed as the fire fighters flooded her paddock and she hates getting her feet wet! We had to try and explain to her that it was necessary to make sure her house didn't catch fire but she wasn't having any of it as she stood on her little island of dry dirt! We swapped her and the bull over so she was dry and he could play in the mud!!