Alumnar - I should be around at the farm from 4pm!

As I said before, please could everyone hold off on donating items (except water!) for a little while as although we really appreciate it we can't store it. All our dogs have plenty of food to last them a while and as soon as we have a storage area set up I will let you all know. We're hopefully getting a 20ft container donated that we can use but until that's at the shelter please hold onto your donations.

Again as I said, please don't be buying the guys anything just yet as they have nowhere to put things and they are starting to panic!! As soon as their new accomodation is built we will be looking for help to furnish it but until then electrical appliances are at risk of being chewed by mice as they will just be left in the office. The same with food as the fridges and freezers are not online due to no power!

They have moved into temporary accomodation outside of the farm and have everything they need there. Please do not think that they have lost everything as everything that was lost (except the furniture which is not needed until the accomodation has been built) has been replaced.