as it is not usually directed at you personally. Remember that there is a whole life behind all that anger and just be patient. You don't have to like them or go out of your way to kowtow, just deal with what you can and leave the anger with the person, don't bring it along with you.
If you can find a way to make the situation more positive, that's great, but don't think you can make an angry person happy-sometimes the fire just needs to burn out-don't be tinder.
as it is not usually directed at you personally. Remember that there is a whole life behind all that anger and just be patient. You don't have to like them or go out of your way to kowtow, just deal with what you can and leave the anger with the person, don't bring it along with you.
If you can find a way to make the situation more positive, that's great, but don't think you can make an angry person happy-sometimes the fire just needs to burn out-don't be tinder.