To be honest, after today it's clear you are one of a very few people who are ignorant about dogs.
Seeing the hundreds of people who left work early, stopped their shopping or simply rushed down to the shelter when they heard the news, I am proud to be a dog lover and a part of a community that can rally together in such a short time to save dogs (and cats) in an emergency.
You have your opinion. I can't be bothered to spend time lstening to the utter nonsense coming from you when there are far more important things to do. Like save animals and find them new homes. Yes that's homes, in houses where a lot of them will live with children.
To be honest, after today it's clear you are one of a very few people who are ignorant about dogs.
Seeing the hundreds of people who left work early, stopped their shopping or simply rushed down to the shelter when they heard the news, I am proud to be a dog lover and a part of a community that can rally together in such a short time to save dogs (and cats) in an emergency.
You have your opinion. I can't be bothered to spend time lstening to the utter nonsense coming from you when there are far more important things to do. Like save animals and find them new homes. Yes that's homes, in houses where a lot of them will live with children.