And you are perfectly correct in stating that Britexpat. There have also been numerous instances of people being unpredictable and turning on their fellow beings (the guy who tried to blow up the Saudi prince this week being a case in point) - what shall we do with them?

My final word on this is that while there are a lot of animal lovers who would look down on this type of "argument" as being instigated by idiots. I don't.

I pity those who have never known the unconditional love and acceptance an animal can bring to you - no matter what you look like, no matter how cranky you are, no matter if your day has been crap. They think you are their world.

As for those few unpredictable dogs who might "turn" on someone. Why don't we kill all the lions, sharks, tigers, poisonous snakes, wife beaters, parents who beat their children? That way we can make sure they don't kill or hurt anyone else.

I'm not going to change Hapy's opinion, Hapy doesn't want to listen to another side - that's Hapy's choice. I know a lot of great dogs with great owners. I've also encountered a lot of misinformed, and willing to stay misinformed people - I can't change them, only avoid them.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"