And yet children die every day in connection with all these things. My dog was acquired firstly as protection against the weirdos I encountered on my daily runs or while I was alone enjoying the privacy and sanctity of my own home. They didn't know all she cared about was a ball or chew toy. They only saw a dog (as you do) as a threat.

My dog has provided me with this "pseudo" protection for many years. Unfortunately, she has no protection from ignorant, ill informed, uneducated people who harrass her (and me). Of course, you are not among that group.

BTW if you think it's a pleasure to have to walk a dog 4 times a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year - pick up its poop twice a day, groom it regularly, and put up with ignoramouses who seem to think because they're human that they're better than any other creature God created? I've got a job for you.

If you think it's a pleasure to come home to someone who is ALWAYS happy to see you, doesn't care what your mood is, is always optimistic that there IS a walk in the near future and wants to be with you because they love you without reserve? Then you're missing out.

Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"