The hypocrisy of the whole SUPPORT OUR TROOPS campaign, through which any condemnation of the war was swiftly silenced. Well planned and executed dear neo-cons. Total inversion of morals. Fascist brainwash fully implemented. How is supporting someone who defends your homeland sending him to die in a far off land that never, ever, exercised ANY aggression against his country and his people? And you still find reasons to defend this genocidal criminal par-excellence? I'm speechless...
The hypocrisy of the whole SUPPORT OUR TROOPS campaign, through which any condemnation of the war was swiftly silenced. Well planned and executed dear neo-cons. Total inversion of morals. Fascist brainwash fully implemented. How is supporting someone who defends your homeland sending him to die in a far off land that never, ever, exercised ANY aggression against his country and his people? And you still find reasons to defend this genocidal criminal par-excellence? I'm speechless...