After all Winnie Churchill said in a great illustration of his character, "history will remember me as a hero, because I intend to write it!". Indeed we could argue the simplification of history but this is what consumer culture wants, simple, blanket rationalizations. Germany=Mordor, Hitler=Sauron. So much easier to think of it that way and I agree. But a land invasion of Japan would have been mass suicide, and a naval blockade would have yielded little, Japan isn't the Turks & Caicos or something.
If Hitler wanted to exact vengeance on the Jews that committed treason against Germany, he could have easily executed publicly the people responsible after due trial, no qualms there. But he went after women, children, friggin' dwarves like the Lilliput Troupe for hell's sake... Pollution of the youth and cultural retardation was a big deal Hitler raised. I don't see how "Entartete Kunst" was anyhow admirable, and far from necessary. His forced classicism and love of the Roman empire was all part of his unbelievable propaganda machine. Have you watched "Triumph des Willens" by Leni Reifenstahl? Awesome movie, they should show it in elementary schools to kids as an example of how choreography, dramatism and careful placement of emphasis can brainwash people in their millions. And how a smart "apparatus" (in this case the ministry of propaganda) in government hands can misconstrue any ancient wound as a growing cancer. Goebbels was no fool, perhaps the most skilled man the Reich had, and probably up there with Himmler as the most profoundly evil.
Here was a government that tried to take away not only your ability to think freely, but even to influence your taste in art, to tell society how everything should be, and while the Beetle may have been a true wonder of "Kraft durch Freude", the Prora was an abomination even Stalin did not come up with to appease his people with as "reward". Little was in store there for the Germans really. The fuhrer gets the Eagle's Nest. The German gets a timeshare in...Prora of all places! Ripoff I say, and if for nothing else he deserves the dustbin of history for deluding and deceiving his own people.
How did the Yanks re-elect Bush? Because until now they voted, by and large, firstly on face value ("oh no, not ketchup guy"...I'm serious that was the justification I got nine out of ten times when I asked those that didn't vote for John Kerry), secondly on family affiliations...of my dad was a Cowboys fan and so am I. Registered republicans...I mean, come on...
Mandi he can be held accountable on the very plain reasoning that he did not show foresight. I fail to see how the world's most powerful country, biggest economy, superlatives ad infinitum could have such profound tunnel vision. And no it doesn't, Bush and the neo-cons were fairly warned by intelligence and advisors of what a hornet's nest they were about to drive a bulldozer through. That itself is grounds for trial and condemnation, country hijack!
After all Winnie Churchill said in a great illustration of his character, "history will remember me as a hero, because I intend to write it!". Indeed we could argue the simplification of history but this is what consumer culture wants, simple, blanket rationalizations. Germany=Mordor, Hitler=Sauron. So much easier to think of it that way and I agree. But a land invasion of Japan would have been mass suicide, and a naval blockade would have yielded little, Japan isn't the Turks & Caicos or something.
If Hitler wanted to exact vengeance on the Jews that committed treason against Germany, he could have easily executed publicly the people responsible after due trial, no qualms there. But he went after women, children, friggin' dwarves like the Lilliput Troupe for hell's sake... Pollution of the youth and cultural retardation was a big deal Hitler raised. I don't see how "Entartete Kunst" was anyhow admirable, and far from necessary. His forced classicism and love of the Roman empire was all part of his unbelievable propaganda machine. Have you watched "Triumph des Willens" by Leni Reifenstahl? Awesome movie, they should show it in elementary schools to kids as an example of how choreography, dramatism and careful placement of emphasis can brainwash people in their millions. And how a smart "apparatus" (in this case the ministry of propaganda) in government hands can misconstrue any ancient wound as a growing cancer. Goebbels was no fool, perhaps the most skilled man the Reich had, and probably up there with Himmler as the most profoundly evil.
Here was a government that tried to take away not only your ability to think freely, but even to influence your taste in art, to tell society how everything should be, and while the Beetle may have been a true wonder of "Kraft durch Freude", the Prora was an abomination even Stalin did not come up with to appease his people with as "reward". Little was in store there for the Germans really. The fuhrer gets the Eagle's Nest. The German gets a timeshare in...Prora of all places! Ripoff I say, and if for nothing else he deserves the dustbin of history for deluding and deceiving his own people.
How did the Yanks re-elect Bush? Because until now they voted, by and large, firstly on face value ("oh no, not ketchup guy"...I'm serious that was the justification I got nine out of ten times when I asked those that didn't vote for John Kerry), secondly on family affiliations...of my dad was a Cowboys fan and so am I. Registered republicans...I mean, come on...
Mandi he can be held accountable on the very plain reasoning that he did not show foresight. I fail to see how the world's most powerful country, biggest economy, superlatives ad infinitum could have such profound tunnel vision. And no it doesn't, Bush and the neo-cons were fairly warned by intelligence and advisors of what a hornet's nest they were about to drive a bulldozer through. That itself is grounds for trial and condemnation, country hijack!