Your argument doesn't make sense. Personally I think that out of the list I gave, there are other far more dangerous things then dogs that should be tackled first.

My argument is that children should be educated on animals and how to be around them - not just ban everyone from keeping pets. I personally think my argument is VERY strong but then I'm biased. Maybe you think all children should be taught that dogs are dangerous and should be kept away from at all costs. That's your opinion. We all have ours.

It's a shame that you are very one sided in your facts and figures. Could you please find the statistics of how many dogs are owned in the US and what ACTUAL percentage attack people UNPROVOKED. I think it will be very small indeed.

Could you also please find the figures for police dogs, drug dogs, bomb dogs, hearing dogs, guide dogs, assistance dogs (for epilepsy etc), rehabilitation dgs, PAT dogs, search and rescue dogs. Could you also quote the figures for the number of dogs who protect their owners against burglars, attackers, rapists etc. Also quote the facts and figures regarding dog owners living healthier, longer lives then non-dog owners....

Once there's 2 sides to the figures you can argue whether you still think dogs are a danger to society or a huge assistance.