iphone comes in 1 whole piece,everyhting is touch operated, nokia n97 comes with a slide and a keyboard (watchout for your flex)
iphone has a large screen and very few buttons
the phones perfection, life span and usage depends on the USER's and ABUSER's. if you think you need and iphone, get it, if u think N97 would fit you, take the n97.
or get a blackberry instead..just kidding
please note:
ICY and CYDIA and the INSTALLER only appears after jailbreaking the iphone (same with ipod touch)aloowing you to add sources site for free applications, what is there is the appstore. Nokia in response has the certificate management that also needs to be broken before you can install applications (for older models, try changing the date/year to 2006 to 2007 if the application is telling u of an expired certificate in the apps u are trying to install, it will work)
and don't forget the ultimate rule on jailbreaked iphones (2G,3G,3Gs), never update your software on itunes or you will loose all the jailbreak data and the unlock data. and you need to UNLOCk and Jailbreak again making you loose all the contents of your iphone.
make sure you back up everything.
i just hope that the linux based N900 has more to offer.
both of them have advantages and disadvantages,
to mention a few.
both have Huge memory built into it,
iphone does not have expansion for memory cards
nokia has removable batteries
iphone comes in 1 whole piece,everyhting is touch operated, nokia n97 comes with a slide and a keyboard (watchout for your flex)
iphone has a large screen and very few buttons
the phones perfection, life span and usage depends on the USER's and ABUSER's. if you think you need and iphone, get it, if u think N97 would fit you, take the n97.
or get a blackberry instead..just kidding
please note:
ICY and CYDIA and the INSTALLER only appears after jailbreaking the iphone (same with ipod touch)aloowing you to add sources site for free applications, what is there is the appstore. Nokia in response has the certificate management that also needs to be broken before you can install applications (for older models, try changing the date/year to 2006 to 2007 if the application is telling u of an expired certificate in the apps u are trying to install, it will work)
and don't forget the ultimate rule on jailbreaked iphones (2G,3G,3Gs), never update your software on itunes or you will loose all the jailbreak data and the unlock data. and you need to UNLOCk and Jailbreak again making you loose all the contents of your iphone.
make sure you back up everything.
i just hope that the linux based N900 has more to offer.