Thanks Zula for the pics, I lived in Gibraltar for many years. And yes the airport is unique in many ways. The road it crosses is the only road in and off the rock to Spain, If you look at the top of the first pic, that is the frontier crossing post. The run way is extremely short and has sea at both ends.Taking off to the east is ok but take off and landing to the west is a ride and a half I can tell you, Its take off then an immediate left bank to avoid Spanish air space and the same on landing but with a hard right bank. It is classified as the third most technically difficult landing in the world by the FAA.But not only cars cross the runway but pedestrians too, and all the tourists coming in loiter on the runway taking photos of the Rock,theres a special crew to clear them all off when a plane comes in! luckily theres only about 3 or 4 day with the civilian stuff but when the forces hold exercices in the med then it can cause major tail backs.
Thanks Zula for the pics, I lived in Gibraltar for many years. And yes the airport is unique in many ways. The road it crosses is the only road in and off the rock to Spain, If you look at the top of the first pic, that is the frontier crossing post. The run way is extremely short and has sea at both ends.Taking off to the east is ok but take off and landing to the west is a ride and a half I can tell you, Its take off then an immediate left bank to avoid Spanish air space and the same on landing but with a hard right bank. It is classified as the third most technically difficult landing in the world by the FAA.But not only cars cross the runway but pedestrians too, and all the tourists coming in loiter on the runway taking photos of the Rock,theres a special crew to clear them all off when a plane comes in! luckily theres only about 3 or 4 day with the civilian stuff but when the forces hold exercices in the med then it can cause major tail backs.