contract between the two parties concerned is considered adultery by all countries in the GCC.

Do people live together here? Yes. Do they run the risk of a vindictive or overzealous neighbour dobbing them in? Yes. The police usually turn a blind eye but WILL act on complaints. Your risk of being "noticed" will be increased if one of you is not a white western/european looking person - that's just the way it works here.

Consequences? Arrest, jailtime, lashes (the last two not usually applied to Westerners)and deportation. The risk of getting caught is probably low, but there have been Westerners behaving stupidly or flagrantly enough that police are forced to act.

If you are going to be housed in company accomodation, be sure that if she shows up, all your colleagues housed in the same compound/block of flats will be well aware of your lack of marriage certificate.

If you are not going into company housing, just tell anyone who asks that you are married - no one will ask to see the marriage certificate.

TheSignature line > "You can't fix stupid"