sure, there was a woman in computing, Ada Lovelace, without whose contribution it's questionable what course computing would have taken, let's remember, she was the first to notice that a computer could be used for more than mere number-crunching...but I guess that's where it ends, at least when it comes to big names and grounbreakers. You're more likely to find women in rocket science than in computing. Why the disparity...well of course I'm gonna come off sexist here and I'm ready, bring on the lame baseless bash, but most women would much rather strike a pretty pose and be in "marketing", or some secretarial jobs where they can "be pretty" and polish nails all day. I can't get those jobs, not that I would want to, but women get rewarded by society even when they have no appreciable skills while men, well men get hard manual labour.

Let's face it, society portrays the "computer geek" as the kid in the back of the classroom with jar-bottom glasses, the kind of guy no woman would want to be stuck with. A social pariah, and society somehow seems to matter way more to women than men.