The problem in GCC country is that they give a special importance in all aspects of life to their citizens like free education, medication, land / shop ownership etc
Like we all know that an expatriate working at a position for the last few years is equal to or less equal to that of locals
In Qatar, MIN OF LABOR has forced all major money making industries to hire more and more qataris regardless how much they feel responsible towards their jobs, eagerness to improve by not repeating same mistakes, punctuality and giving certain extra time inorder to complete their daily task. We asians have to even complete their leftover tasks too along with ours which is totally injustice and cruelty towards us. Still they get almost double salary compared to us working with them at the same position but for the last many years
If local GCC govts enforce equal treatment with their locals then only they can work as hard as we do but due to their pampering, locals are just greedy to have more and more money and luxury life instead of concenterating on QUALITY OF LIFE.