Troll, when i fast during lent i tried going all 40 days without smoking, its not like 6 in the morning to whatever time in the evening. I'm talking full 24 hours 40 days without smoking, i only managed to do 2 and half weeks..which for a chain smoker is TORTURE! then i thought God doesnt want me to torture myself.
Witchstix, being muslim, its a bigger torture as a HUMAN BEING to not be able to smoke all day let alone no food and no water.Doesnt matter if its being done for the sake of God or anyone else, the body is accustomed to certain things and a sudden break in routine does get the mind going. ok now i'm not making any sense i need a smoke :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Troll, when i fast during lent i tried going all 40 days without smoking, its not like 6 in the morning to whatever time in the evening. I'm talking full 24 hours 40 days without smoking, i only managed to do 2 and half weeks..which for a chain smoker is TORTURE! then i thought God doesnt want me to torture myself.
Witchstix, being muslim, its a bigger torture as a HUMAN BEING to not be able to smoke all day let alone no food and no water.Doesnt matter if its being done for the sake of God or anyone else, the body is accustomed to certain things and a sudden break in routine does get the mind going. ok now i'm not making any sense i need a smoke :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)