Dear friend, We appreciate those who are really taking care of the fasting season which is called Lent. Sawm in Ramadadan does not mean only fasting in terms of eating. Muslims should do fasting in many other matters. They should keep their eyes, their mouth their hands, their ears and even their mind from engaging in bad things. Sex is forbidden during the day. Those who are involving in things which are forebidden in Ramadan are not fasting but they are just starving. Muslims who are aware of these things will not be involved even in the feast as well. Food is allowed at a specific period between sunset and the call to the morning prayer but Muslims are not supposed to waste the food for the sake of feasts. Sawm is to understand the feeling of those who are really starving in the day to day life in different parts of the world.
Dear friend, We appreciate those who are really taking care of the fasting season which is called Lent. Sawm in Ramadadan does not mean only fasting in terms of eating. Muslims should do fasting in many other matters. They should keep their eyes, their mouth their hands, their ears and even their mind from engaging in bad things. Sex is forbidden during the day. Those who are involving in things which are forebidden in Ramadan are not fasting but they are just starving. Muslims who are aware of these things will not be involved even in the feast as well. Food is allowed at a specific period between sunset and the call to the morning prayer but Muslims are not supposed to waste the food for the sake of feasts. Sawm is to understand the feeling of those who are really starving in the day to day life in different parts of the world.