This report originates outside of Qatar but has implications for high-risk people and young people in Qatar and the Gulf Region.
The factual information is especially important to Qatar because persons who have diabetes, cardiovascular or respiratory impairment, may be at especially high risk if contracting H1N1. The report states that confirmed cases of H1N1 are concentrated in younger age groups, up to age 24. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC),the infection risk in the 0 to 24 age group is 4 to 5 times greater than for those in the 25 to 49 age group, and 20 times greater than those over age 65. As a result, 2009-H1N1 would lead to many more years of life lost.
H1N1 flu poses especially high-risk for young people with certain pre-existing conditions, including pregnant women and patients with diabetes, severe obesity, respiratory impairment, or neurological disorders.
The report on H1N1 flu released Monday by the White House in Washington, DC. is written by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. (PCAST) The panel projects that the H1N1 flu could strain the U.S. health-care system and officials face serious time constraints implementing a vaccination program.
The full report below provides much more information than the news media is able to highlight in a short article and addresses some of the problems with previous vaccination programs in the 1950's and 1970's.