To be educated the same as men -> except for Afghanistan, they have the same rights everywhere! As for their parents not allowing them, well that's backward folk, and those exist everywhere. Look at puritans and the Amish in the USA. Why doesn't anyone preach liberalism to them?
To choose their marriage partner -> It's women who perpetuate the system. It is usually the mothers that agree marriages among themselves. Dad's got little to do with it. In most cases dad don't give a damn. If the kids are happy he's happy too.
to NOT have their clitoris cut off -> According to all recognized schools of muslim jurisprudence (Fiqh), female circumcision is a sin, a crime. Some folk traditions prevail despite Islam. In fact, a muslim husband is bound by Islamic law to please his wives as they are bound to please him. Otherwise the validity of marriage can rightfully be brought into question. I'd like to hear of that guy that can please four wives that are all circumcised. Now that would be a "sex hero".
To start a business or work to support their family -> Many do. Many are quite skilled too! Those that don't, well either they had paranoid parents or husbands (my condolences), or they just don't want to.
to not live in fear of their father/brother/husband beating them or killing them out of some antiquated tradition of "family honor"-> I will agree here. Honour killings are pathetic. If a woman transgresses and shames the family, you can always disown her, send her to some liberal land where she can live out the life she desires, without tainting the rest of the family. No need to kill someone because they are different. However, again, look at Kuwait. Women here are no angels. 43 people burned and stomped to death, ex-wife shoots her successor, things like this happen...
To be educated the same as men -> except for Afghanistan, they have the same rights everywhere! As for their parents not allowing them, well that's backward folk, and those exist everywhere. Look at puritans and the Amish in the USA. Why doesn't anyone preach liberalism to them?
To choose their marriage partner -> It's women who perpetuate the system. It is usually the mothers that agree marriages among themselves. Dad's got little to do with it. In most cases dad don't give a damn. If the kids are happy he's happy too.
to NOT have their clitoris cut off -> According to all recognized schools of muslim jurisprudence (Fiqh), female circumcision is a sin, a crime. Some folk traditions prevail despite Islam. In fact, a muslim husband is bound by Islamic law to please his wives as they are bound to please him. Otherwise the validity of marriage can rightfully be brought into question. I'd like to hear of that guy that can please four wives that are all circumcised. Now that would be a "sex hero".
To start a business or work to support their family -> Many do. Many are quite skilled too! Those that don't, well either they had paranoid parents or husbands (my condolences), or they just don't want to.
to not live in fear of their father/brother/husband beating them or killing them out of some antiquated tradition of "family honor"-> I will agree here. Honour killings are pathetic. If a woman transgresses and shames the family, you can always disown her, send her to some liberal land where she can live out the life she desires, without tainting the rest of the family. No need to kill someone because they are different. However, again, look at Kuwait. Women here are no angels. 43 people burned and stomped to death, ex-wife shoots her successor, things like this happen...