Who am I to say my religion is better than anyone else's? Yes, ilhamdillah, I was born a Muslim, but I cannot impose my beliefs on anyone else. If I become a scholar of knowledge or a mufteeya, then so be it, but I'm not. People should fix themselves before fixing others, and ilhamdillah we have enough to deal with.

I've traveled around the world and met a lot of people from all religions, I know a lot about their religion and I respect them, too. Allah asked us to respect each other, so why don't we?

I know a guy who is an Ismaili, but ever since coming to Doha he has doubted it. I never asked him why he was an Ismaili, but I asked him what Ismailism is all about. Then he started to realize that it wasn't correct for him, so he is, on his own, studying Islam and all I am doing is guiding him as to where he should go for questions to be answered and who he should ask.

I'm ashamed by all this non-sense above. With all do respect of course.

Sallam ..