and humans being humans, there are those that will manipulate knowledge to suit their desires.When we think of the reference to a wife being the clothing for her husband and he for her, both must protect the dignity of the other. Some men choose to use scholarly rulings as an opt out, but again its their intention behind actions that matters. Its between them and their god if they choose to manipulate the guidance of the Quran and sunnah. A smart man with a good wife wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. A smart wife with a good man knows that if he did choose to take a second wife and not tell her, he must have a reason that would benefit them both in the religion. So insha allah, marry a 'smart and good' person!

I was once told that marriage was just a business contract and a woman should make sure she was getting the best $ deal. Then I looked at the person who was telling me. Married-divorced 3+ times, chose wives only for their looks, had to update to a new model every time the current one annoyed him. How exhausting! His main line of business was selling the female body. He was a multimillionaire and he will die rich, unloved and unaware. Was he happy? Maybe. My point? Marriage means something different for everyone I guess. I can count the people I know who have genuinely successful marriages on my fingers. I wonder what their perspective would be on temporary marriage? Any 30+ years married QLers going to give perspective?