In 1999 Intel opened a US$1.8 billion processor manufacturing plant on land confiscated from the Palestinians solely for this purpose. Why would any sane company build a "clean room" facility at the gates of a desert, I leave it to you to figure out, but in my opinion the motive is clear as day. San Francisco Gate ran a thorough story on the subject which you can find here. You can also read a blurb on Intel's site here. You can also apply for a job there if that's your fancy :P

This probably has to do with Andy Grove (real name Andras Grof), notable Intel CEO who steered the company during it's ascent to market dominance. Grove is a Jew of Hungarian origin, who "Americanized" his name, much like another legend of the field, John von Neumann (real name Janos Neumann), upon immigration to the USA.